That's Us

That's Us

About us

We are from Czech. We are single and married, extroverted and introverted, small and tall. Briefly, each of us is different. But we have one God, believe Him and live with Him.


Women in the Internship Program

Another year of JV Internship program has started in October. Nine students from Czech and six students from Moravia (the two parts of Czech Republic) are enlisted for this intensive 9 months study. In addition to meeting all together in Malenovice once a month for a week of seminars they meet in two „cells“ every week, one in Strakonice and one in Vsetín. Leah who recently moved to Strakonice offered her new home as space for teaching and accommodation for students and teachers of the Czech cell.
In addition to this requiring role of the hostess, Leah is in charge of a small group of three women – Alča and Marta from Strakonice and Kristýna from České Budějovice. She will be the coach of the group which means she has committed to disciple these women in the following 9 months, to be their guide through the studies, to provide feedback, to help them discover their gifts and encourage them in ministry, to talk with them and think about areas of their lives that God wants to change. In the same way Lucka is in charge of coaching the second small group within the Czech cell – there is Markéta from Písek and Zuzka from Vysoké Mýto. All these women are standing in ministry for God and to people and that is why they decided to get more education and training: Zuzka loves shepherding and pastoral care, Markéta’s heart beats for evangelism and lost people, Alča with her husband are key ministers in a new church plant where Marta is also involved in ministry and Kristýna is a proactive visionary with passion for young people.
Radka will be involved in the Internship program as she will be digging in the Gospels with the students, teaching them about how Jesus led his ministry and people. The students will be taught things like systematic theology and methods of studying the Scriptures but in the same time they will be involved practically in different ministries in local churches. We are glad that as a women’s ministry team we can use our gifts and assist to the women students in finding and following God’s calling.

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