That's Us

That's Us

About us

We are from Czech. We are single and married, extroverted and introverted, small and tall. Briefly, each of us is different. But we have one God, believe Him and live with Him.


New translation of the Czech Bible

Even though news of Obama in Prague has been getting a lot of coverage here, there is some more important news. The first new Czech translation of the Bible has been released a week before Easter. Czech scholars have been translating the Bible for over 15 years into the only available modern language translation of Scripture in this country. The release has been covered by news shows and radio shows. It seems that Czech academic scholars are excited, curious, and even supportive of the work. Strangely non-Christians and atheists are very excited that the Bible is now translated and available for them to read in their modern tongue. Please take a look at their website to learn more about it. (click the British flag on the top right to get English).

During Easter a large crowd of people gathered at the historic Bethlehem Chapel to hear readings of the Bible from some of the most popular Czech actors and actresses. In addition to this event there were over 70 cities throughout the country participating in a Bible release and public reading of the Scripture. Many of these were hosted in conjunction with the secular government at the city public libraries. It is so exciting to see God's word finding a way into the Czech culture. Since this Bible translation isn't connected to any church people have a lot of willingness to listen to what it has to say.

Please join us in celebrating and also praying that God would bring His word into the hearts of hundreds of thousands of Czech people.

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